NobleNerds are on their way...

Imagine a time when we Crowd Source the expertise and far reaching resources of the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Investigator and Hacker Community for Noble Pursuits. THAT TIME IS NOW!
Accept the Challenge Join Noble Nerds doing Tech for Good.


Where we started


A policeman and a hacker walk into a bar. Well, the joke can go a variety of ways from here. Luckily it was no joke, and since you’re on this site and still reading you can surmise the two found common ground. The policeman was not much of a hacker but was willing to learn, and the hacker was not a fan of rules or government regulations, you know “the law”. They both had been at a conference lets just called “A K0n” and both liked trivia contests and showing off how smart they were (back  then Buzz-time had two meanings). Well a few rounds later (games and drinks), and a few laughs later they had an idea how to work together. Nothing official just sharing ideas. From there, a seed was planted. Today NobleNerds has evolved into a community of both OSINT professionals, Investigators and IT Professionals, Pentesters, Hackers (White, Grey, and Black hats) utilizing their unique skills to further actual investigations.

Other organizations have formed organically with similar well intentions. Tip of the hat to  !  Balancing between chain of evidence and judicial review we are incorporating crowd sourcing into investigations to bridge the gap between public and private sector for a common good. As they say Tech for Good. We invite you to join us by participating in a preregistered CTF event.  In order to get started, simply join our mailing list to be kept informed of events, conferences, and OSINT news. As an added bonus, we are frequently requested for referrals for OSINT professionals. If you have a current CV or work history written on a napkin you can send it and we will be happy to add you to a list after a minor vetting so we may refer you. Only verifiable, experienced, mostly certification holders are included on our lists. We look forward to you joining and participating. This is your community and you have a place here. See you on the other side.

Where we are headed

Not long after a few other Law Enforcement, States Attorneys, and Private Sector Partners saw the value in this collaboration for Noble causes. A select group was formed by invitation only called the V Squad. Why the V squad well that is a little like talking about Fight Club. For reference google it, better yet lmgtfy

Needless to say, if you want to work on interesting cases. You want to work with the top OSINTer’s doing investigations then you want to apply for the V Squad. Warning: Super selective.

And so along with a growing a newsletter about news we are able with your help to grow and be a resource for the OSINT community. But only with your membership (yes it is free), Help, support, ideas, and creativity will we reach our potential. So please join us, ad follow us on our new Twitter account  @nerd_noble
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